Thursday, June 30, 2011

My book of secrets

Our perfumed lives..

Imagine... we all have this beautiful perfumed lives... we connect with and relate to various fragrances around us.. and then we go back to the same situation, the same place, gets surrounded by the same people.. we relive those very moments...

I have this old revlon lipstick which smells of the time when i was in love...
Elle 18 naughty spray... smells of my teenage days..
Cuticura powder reminds me of Kodungallur and achaachan (grand pa)
New books, reminds me of the Academic book house and my school days..
The smell of soil when it rains.. takes me again, but back to many places at the same time.. Trivandrum, Trissur, Pune ...

Beautiful perfumed lives of ours..