Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Stealing Beauty

I wait.. I wait so patiently, i'm quiet as a cup.. I hope you'll come and rattle me...
Quick! Come.. wake me up.

PS : Title and words shamelessly borrowed from the movie 'Stealing Beauty'. The photograph - an original, tad bit of me.


Extropianism: Believing in it said...

You are one Hell of a Crazy Woman..!! Which I never expect to anyone can ever be in my life....

I say this because.. First you put those beautiful words and then you admit that you have shamelessly borrowed it from "Stealing beauty"... Lol

Athena said...

What is so wrong in admitting what you've actually done? :)

sachin said...

touchy lines whatsoever... :)

SIBYL said...

I remember that bed sheet ........ :D Sleeping beauty :D

Ashwin Raj said...

Nice thought. . Even though it was borrowed. Wake up beauty. .